In the heart of Fécamp, the "Ducal and Abbey Town" Walk shows the greatest historic buildings of this Alabaster Coast town. With 10 stops close to each other, this short walk steeped in history is ideal for both children and grown-ups!
Leaving from the former Abbey Church of the Holy Trinity, your journey back in time begins. Follow the orange information panels that will take you to see the historic buildings that have marked the history of Fécamp. Admire the Tour de la Maîtrise (the Choir School Tower), the Ducal Palace and the House of the Rebel Monks. Surely, you will fall under the charm of the numerous details of the local architecture!
The walk is coming to an end, but before that, the coastal river Valmont, which flows into the English Channel in Fécamp, leads you to one of the quietest neighbourhoods of the town, the Old Hospital neighbourhood. You will thus end your walk peacefully and learn more about the history of the Fountain of the Holy Blood.
Perfect, you are now relaxed and ready to follow one of the 4 other heritage trails, which we recommend! Find them in the brochure "Laissez-vous conter Fécamp" (Listen to the story of Fécamp) whose link is on this page.
Leaves from : FECAMP, Hôtel de Ville
Arrives at : FECAMP, Fontaine du Précieux-Sang, Place de la Liberté
Theme : Discovery
Entretien : OFFICE DE TOURISME INTERCOMMUNAL DE FÉCAMP - 02 35 28 51 01 - info@fecamptourisme.com