Alternating paths in the heart of the forest and beautiful forest paths, this circuit makes you discover all the richness of the Forest of Brotonne, while walking on a historical path. Do not hesitate to contact the Tourist Office of the Pays de Caux Vallée de Seine to obtain the description of your route.
Type of tour : Equestrian
It lasts : 04h 00
Difficulty : Medium
Distance : 28 km
Leaves from : VATTEVILLE-LA-RUE, Aire du Grand Maître
Arrives at : VATTEVILLE-LA-RUE, Aire du Grand Maître
Waymarking : Orange
Theme : Natural, Sport
Entretien : OFFICE DE TOURISME CAUX VALLÉE DE SEINE - 02 32 70 46 32 - office@tourismecauxseine.com
Facilities : Picnic area
Tarred path : 84%