From the village on the hillside to the hamlet of Génetey on the edge of the Roumare national forest, you can admire the rich heritage along the way: Saint Georges de Boscherville abbey, Templar farm, Saint Gorgon chapel, old houses and farms...
Type of tour : Mountain bike
It lasts : 01h 20
Difficulty : Medium
Difference in altitude : 153 m
Distance : 10 km
Leaves from : SAINT-MARTIN-DE-BOSCHERVILLE, Carrefour du chêne à Leu
Arrives at : SAINT-MARTIN-DE-BOSCHERVILLE, Carrefour du chêne à Leu
Entretien : METROPOLE ROUEN NORMANDIE - accueil@rouentourisme.com - https://www.metropole-rouen-normandie.fr/
Tarred path : 42%