Starting from the Avenue Verte London-Paris at Saint-Aubin-le-Cauf, not far from Dieppe, you will go on foot to discover the ponds of the Varenne. A nice 7.2 km horseback ride in the Dieppe hinterland. To your bombs, fill your gourd, let's go!
Type of tour : Equestrian
It lasts : 01h 00
Difficulty : Easy
Distance : 7,2 km
Leaves from : SAINT-AUBIN-LE-CAUF, PN 102 de l'Avenue Verte London-Paris
Arrives at : SAINT-AUBIN-LE-CAUF, PN 102 de l'Avenue Verte London-Paris
Entretien : COMMUNAUTÉ DE COMMUNES FALAISES DU TALOU - tourisme@falaisesdutalou.fr - https://www.falaisesdutalou.fr
Tarred path : 27%