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Attelage de la Jumenterie des Néfliers

AJDN, 35 Route du Pont 76110 MENTHEVILLE


The Jumenterie des Néfliers offers you and our courageous horses, Cador the black Percheron and Bayard the Cob Normand Bai
themed rides: castles and manor houses, the Ganzeville valley, farming, etc., with a snack break.
all-day gourmet walks are also available, with picnics prepared using local produce.
if you're looking for a new experience, why not take a 2 to 6-day tour in a horse-drawn wagon, with me accompanying you every morning for the driving part.


All year
Horaire NC

Age : from 3 years old
Supervised educational or recreational activity : yes

Languages spoken  : English

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From 54.00€

Methods of payment : Carte bleue, Debit cards, Postal or bank cheques, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Money transfer


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