
29 Rue Guillemard 76600 LE HAVRE


Located just a stone's throw from the beach and boasting superb panoramic sea views, La Croisette welcomes you in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Traditional cuisine, bar and tea room.


All year
Every day 11:30 - 23:00


Categories : Music bar, Grill restaurant, Cafe, Pancake bar, Traditional cuisine, Tea room
Food specialities : Traditional cuisine, Fish
Menu available in : French, English
Languages spoken  : English

Services : Takeaway dishes, Sale of regional produce, Free WiFi


A la carte menu From 14.50€
to 23.90€

Methods of payment : Carte bleue, Debit cards, Travel vouchers, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Contactless payment, Tickets restaurants, Visa

moteur de recherche Caravelis - informations touristiques SITA