
La Montagne

Pays de Bray


As the name suggests, "The Mountain" is a hiking trail with hills. But don't worry, the more you go up, the more you walk back down (and vice versa)!

As its name suggests, "The Mountain" is a hike where it climbs. Don't panic, what you climb, you will come back down later (and vice versa)! On the heights of the Pays de Bray, don't forget to take the time to observe the relief of the Pays de Bray buttonhole. Time has forged these cuestas and chalky coasts which make the area a hilly land with many rivers and meadows, ideal for sheep and cattle breeding.

It lasts : 03h 45
Difficulty : Medium
Distance : 15 km
Waymark : Base FFCT
Leaves from  : BOUELLES, Avenue Verte : PN71
Arrives at  : BOUELLES, Avenue Verte : PN71

Entretien : OFFICE DE TOURISME BRAY EAWY - 02 35 93 22 96 -

Facilities : Picnic area
Tarred path : 56%

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