
Chez René

Place Ô Marché 1 Place Thiers 76600 LE HAVRE


"Chez René" welcomes you from Monday to Saturday to spend convivial moments. To eat or nibble, the restaurant offers traditional cuisine enriched by a variety of tapas and platters. Chez René's wine cellar offers you a choice of fine wines (to add to your cellar or to taste on the spot).


All year
Monday NC
Tuesday NC
Wednesday NC
Thursday NC
Friday NC
Saturday NC
Sunday Closed


Categories : Bistro / wine bar, Traditional cuisine
Food specialities : Traditional cuisine
Menu available in : French
Languages spoken  : English

Services : Takeaway dishes, Seminar, Free WiFi


Methods of payment : American Express, Carte bleue, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Contactless payment, Tickets restaurants, Money transfer, Visa

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